The Empowerment Report, produced by Intellidex in partnership with Empowerdex and Independent Media is the authoritative ranking of all JSE-listed companies according to their black economic empowerment scores. Every year they recognise those companies that have attained the highest rankings overall and in the various BEE subcategories, while also tracking industries operating under their sector codes. It sets the bar for the rest of the economy by showcasing the companies that have gone furthest in transforming South Africa’s business environment. To be named the most empowered company in an industry and the country is a major accolade for the companies concerned.

“Having narrowly missed  Level 1 in 2017, we were determined not to fall short again and so put in extra effort to ensure our skills development, empowerment and enterprise development goals were either met or exceeded,” says HR manager Jessica Coetzee. “BEE sets very stiff targets for generic companies, but we knew that if we worked from March to February and not just in the last few months, we would be able to achieve this level.” The reward for this hard work was 10th place overall and 2nd in the generic sector category, placing Anchor among the leading BEE companies in South Africa.

View Empowerment Report: October 2019

View Anchor’s Empowerment status

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