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The partner you can trust to deliver.
Anchor Industries provides consistent quality, reliability and the peace of mind that comes from years of experience.
We pride ourselves on being the trusted partner for the entire lifespan of a project and striving for excellence in every engagement, staying true to our promise of Reliability, secured.
Committed to quality at every step.
Anchor Industries subscribes to best-practise standards in order to provide high quality products and services and a safe working environment at all times. As a result of our determination to be excellent, Anchor is recognised by key authorities in the field.
ISO 9001 certification
All procedures are performed in accordance with ISO 9001, the international quality management standard. All Anchor branches are ISO certified.
Registered LME
As a registered Lifting Machinery Entity (LME) and with registered personnel, we can perform regulatory load tests on lifting equipment and inspections.
LEEA member
As a member of this international entity for lifting standards, Anchor subscribes to the highest technical and safety standards and quality and integrity relating to equipment, training, procedures and records.
Registered training provider
Anchor Industries is a registered and accredited training provider of lifting courses. Our trainers are passionate about the quality of our training and a safe working environment.

The necessary footprint for expert support.
Anchor Industries is internationally recognised for providing expert engineering services and equipment. In terms of scope, we have delivered a wide range of equipment to our clients, including a total of 125 000 steel wire rope slings and 45 000 chain slings in the last ten years.
Constantly expanding our offerings
In order to provide best quality and reliability to our clients, Anchor Industries stays on par with latest developments in equipment, technology and safety requirements.